Kept modem cool and get rid of heats up

                        Most modems or router will get heated while using the internet more than a few minutes. As your data transfer rate enhances it, a considerable amount of heat will be generated. That amount of heat raises the temperature of components than the safe operating temperature, as similar to any electronic devices the temperature above the limit affect modem adversely and thus it may result either in the interruption in proper working (frequent rebooting), self destruction of the device or affect the life of device, etc...

In most computer rooms CRAC system or air-conditioning units will be arranged to maintain an optimal temperature in the room for the proper working of systems. Or if the device is in an air conditioned room it also can maintain the temperature. But in normal rooms without any air condition or temperature maintain apparatus the temperature of device rises than normal, in such condition the device may fail if the temperature exceeds the safe operating temperature range.

For modern devices with advanced function can manage such effects and is capable of withstanding it. But its working may interrupt or sometimes cannot manage by all devices. In modern modems it will reboot when the temperature exceeds than normal working temperature, i.e., Whenever its temperature exceeds it reboots each time. This will disturb the connection and drops frequently and we need to power off the modem each time to cool down it, but which last only for a few minutes. If you have to connect for a long time without interruptions, sounds as for a long download or left the modem all night for download , etc...

In order to cool down a modem we can use several methods employed in electronic devices, but for a device like a modem, it is inconvenient to place heat sinks by user and also air vents may not be present. So the easiest and inexpensive trick you can adopt to reduce this problem is by placing a processor fan onto it.Use an adapter or DC supply to power the fan and place over it, if there is any air vents on the cover of modem place near to it or simply over it. However place it so as to get maximum air circulation. Try to place modem with a gap between your system to avoid the heat releases from the system too.

                    This arrangement can provide enough heat transfer so it can always hold the modem temperature normal and thus you can simply avoid the interruption or rebooting during usage.