How to reduce electricity consumption

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      A lot of energy is consumed or wasted in our home without  proper planning, selection and for short term benefit. By some changes in your  use and arrangement you can save energy and also make some balance in your pocket. The methods mentioned below cannot be done on the next morning and it won't reduce your energy consumption suddenly, But as says " Little drop of water makes the mighty ocean". If we take proper steps in each we can conserve a lot, a milli-watt -hours energy for an hour is nothing but for a year it is a huge.
Here are some basic and simple steps that help to save electrical energy.
Replacing light devices
Replace all the incandescent bulbs (filament bulbs) to CFL (compact Fluorescent Lamp) or LED    (Light emitting diode). LEDs are more recommended than a CFL, but  for large light requirement LEDs may not be practical. Replace LEDs even for a small filament bulb using for mainly decorations etc.. Also for fluorescent lamps replace the electrical ballast with electronic ballast, as its power loss is less and more favorable for working and conserve energy.
Selecting Home appliances
It is a main part in electrical energy conservation, because at home electrical energy is mostly consumed by these members. So while purchasing refrigerators, air conditioners etc.. Ensure they are of star rated or satisfy the criteria for an energy saving device. Replace CRT TVs with LED, LCD TVs, also make sure that they are of  economical energy use. Try to avoid the use of heaters as possible, as they are the main parasites in electric appliances. Reduce its use by induction cookers in the kitchen and for other water supplies, try solar heaters if possible, this may not be practical to all so try to reduce its use as possible.
Replace old electronic and electrical devices
Devices which  use regularly (such as chargers, adapters...) should be efficient as equal to other appliances. In most cases, these small devices will be ignored, but as it is essential to the working of other devices, it might used frequently, thereby its energy consumption too noticed. Replace old circuit boards which  are of mainly coiled devices such as transformers, inductors etc.. Because compared to advanced electronic devices, they have more energy loss as heat, leakage, etc.. Check the external capacitors also, used in fans, motors, pumps, etc... if it is damaged it not only creates power loss, but also damage the device too
Regulators and controlling devices
Use electronic regulators for fan, motor, etc.. The old coiled regulators only regulate the speed (i.e. Drops voltage and thereby current through the device) they will not save the regulated power, thus a large amount of power will be liberated as heat. Using an  electronic regulator we can avoid such losses.
Also, instead of old electro-mechanical controlling devices and indicators (such as old  automatic  water pump off, water level indicating devices) use advanced electronic instruments and devices, as such devices replace moving  parts and mechanical components by sensors and IC they have high precision and economical energy consumption.
Charge Storage devices
Every home have any one storage device ranching from a torch cell to high power inverter. So a cell or a battery is an unexpected one,also if it is a regular using or power device we should conscious about that.we know that a battery should charge more power than they deliver,in that case if it is weak too , surely it will eats considerable amount of energy.So we should check regularly what the condition of the battery and if it is damaged should replace immediately , doesn't run or reuse it(By adding salt & Recharge at high rate)if use  it by some tricks will last only for temporarily and creates a huge energy loss and high risk too.
Even if the battery is healthy, we should care for using, in proper use of batteries also creates power loss and damage even in a good condition.